Digital Tools that are Cooperatively Managed by West Michiganders

Grand Rapids’ own digital workspace to replace Google Suite, iCloud, and Microsoft Office 365

For and by West Michiganders

Grand Rapidians have long believed in local business. Our next step? Embrace local, community-owned, software. GR Cloud has the must-have digital essentials you use each day.

Document editing and file storage

File sharing

Calendar and appointment scheduling

Email and address book

Video calling

Direct messaging & group chats

Note keeping

Password management

Forms and polling

It’s quite simple….

Web 2.0 & App Empire 2005 – 2023


Web Community Gardens 2024 – 🙂

Or this?

Free Software Makes This Possible

Bill Gates’s chief innovation wasn’t his code, it was his philosophy of keeping Microsoft code exclusive to Microsoft. Prior to that, software code developed by one person or community was commonly shared with others for consistent improvement and evolution.

The Free Software movement maintains this spirit. Free Software (similarly referred to as open source software), is software that anyone can use, anyone can copy and edit, anyone can contribute, and anyone can distribute. It means Free as in freedom. Not free beer.

GR Cloud depends on Free Software to exist, most significantly Nextcloud, modified specifically for and by the GR Cloud community. Nextcloud, along with tangential extensions, are the result of love and labor of thousands of people, including some in Grand Rapids! As more people contribute to Nextcloud, they’ll be contributing to GR Cloud.

Our goal is to host GR Cloud on a local Grand Rapids server. In the meantime GR Cloud is hosted by a proprietary but trusted service provider.

Live in West Michigan? Join us!

After you complete the form you’ll receive a personal email offering support for your transition from Google Suite, iCloud, or Microsoft 365.